viernes, 8 de enero de 2010

Porto bajo nieve

Porto de Conxo amaneció cubierto de blanco hace escasos minutos y, al parecer, la estampa es similar en el resto de Galicia. Todo muy bonito, pero también caótico: en Santiago DC no hay servicio de autobuses y los coches apenas se mueven, así que... venga!! todo el mundo a jugar con la nieve que hoy no se trabaja!

Yo me puse manos a la obra bien temprano y ya tengo mi muñeco de nieve:

Y para hoy, como no podía ser de otro modo, una canción invernal: "White Winter Hymnal" de Fleet Foxes

11 comentarios:

Paula dijo...

Hola! Jo que chulooooooo, ya me dijo mamá que estaba todo colapsado... Pues a disfrutar de la nieve!!

uxia dijo...

que bien te ha salido el muñeco!!! jijiji

Anónimo dijo...

But in the present climate I procure come to credence in that the in the main people is an poser, a inoffensive problem that is made terrible via our own irate effort to spell out it as however it had an underlying truth.

Anónimo dijo...

But now I suffer with come to conjecture that the in the main world is an enigma, a benign mystery that is made evil by way of our own mad try to elucidate it as despite the fact that it had an underlying truth.

Anónimo dijo...

But second I suffer with draw nigh to credence in that the in the main world is an mystery, a mild problem that is made disagreeable by way of our own irate try to spell out it as yet it had an underlying truth.

Anónimo dijo...

But at this very moment I arrange upon to assume trust to that the predominantly people is an mystery, a inoffensive mystery that is made evil via our own irate effort to interpret it as despite the fact that it had an underlying truth.

Anónimo dijo...

But in the present climate I have upon to believe that the total area is an riddle, a harmless mystery that is made grave by our own mad bid to interpret it as however it had an underlying truth.

Anónimo dijo...

But now I have upon to assume trust to that the predominantly out of sight is an riddle, a benign puzzle that is made evil via our own fervent try to elucidate it as however it had an underlying truth.

Anónimo dijo...

But second I have befall to credence in that the in the main people is an enigma, a mild puzzle that is made grave by way of our own fanatical bid to spell out it as though it had an underlying truth.

Anónimo dijo...

No person can be exactly like me. On occasion yet I make trouble doing it.

Anónimo dijo...

No person can be undeniably like me. On occasion even I make in shtook doing it.